Thursday, 10 July 2014

Hair Treatment Mumbai

Thinning locks and Hair reduction is slowly becoming an outbreak. Many people search for treatment for locks reduction & hair fall, as it may be an aesthetic discomfort for them. Thinning locks and hair fall is affecting job opportunities, connections, mental well-being and self-confidence. It is an illness that needs treatment. Thinning locks can have an emotional impact, hence it is best to search for treatment if you are distressed with your appearance.

Certain treatments are suggested for locks reduction such as Stem Cells treatment, Hair transplant treatment etc. Apart from these, there is one latest treatment available – QR 678 Hair growth factor shots. A lot has been written about this novel treatment in the magazines and newspapres. QR 678 is a novel compound, developed after a lot of research and analysis in hair growth treatments, by Dr. Rinky Kapoor – a top/ best aesthetic skin specialist and trichologist on the globe, and currently practicing in Mumbai, India and Dr. Debraj Shome. The QR 678 injection is more advanced and apparently gives better outcomes than Stem cell and PRP treatment / procedure for locks reduction and locks growth. While Hair transplant treatment (implant) & hair recovery surgery treatment merely relocates locks, the QR 678 treatment / procedure actually develops locks and treats indicative hair loss, locks decrease in women, hair loss and androgenetic causes of locks drop.

All over the globe there is a lot of analysis going on to develop a wonder drug to treat this issue of locks reduction, though treatments from medications to surgery treatment are currently available. However, not many benefit, sometimes they just don’t show desired results, there are a huge number of undesirable outcomes, some individuals are not suitable for available treatments, cost is huge for Hair transplant treatment and Hair refurbishment surgery treatment, outcomes are not durable, adverse reactions are a concern, etc.

What exactly is the QR 678 Hair growth Factor?

A growth factor is a naturally sourced material capable of exciting Cell growth, proliferation and cell distinction. Usually it is a protein which is present regionally and causes development of that particular tissue. Growth factors are important for controlling a variety of cell processes & act by attaching to specific receptors on the surface of their target cells.

A QR code is a code used in medicine based on “Quick Response“. 678 represents “there is no answer”. The creators told us that this compound has been named QR 678 to indicate a “Quick Reaction to a illness which earlier had no answer”!

The Times of India (India’s biggest English newspaper) first revealed, in a 1st page article, on the QR 678 Best Hair Treatment.

Mode of administration for QR 678 : For Patients suffering from hair loss, mesotherapy is performed with the QR 678 compound which are patented growth factors, applied by tiny virtually pain-free shots in the head. Development of hair requires 5-8 sessions spread 2-3 weeks apart each. Usually 1 ml of solution is injected per session, each session takes 15 minutes, no hospital stay is required, and each hypodermic injection costs Rs. 6000 per ml of hypodermic injection per session.

What to expect after undergoing the treatment?

The creators are clear that QR 678 will NOT necessarily perform in everyone. This works obviously only when at least a few locks roots are available in the areas treated. These locks roots may be quiescent and not very healthy, they may even be minute and NOT visible to nude eye evaluation, BUT they need to be there! Hence, first the scalp is analyzed with a magnifying glass to see if some locks roots are available and only then is treatment suggested. Results generally are 80 % restoration or more based on the extent of the issue. Improvement starts after 4 sessions.

QR 678 will perform prior to or after a hair transplant treatment, if you are considering one. The QR 678 will certainly reduce the possibility of requirement for Hair transplants in a significant population with mild to moderate hair loss.

This innovative treatment is being considered for demonstrations and journals in the medical community world-wide and is currently looking forward to a world-wide patent – A patent in Indian has obviously already been awarded! Now, folks all over the globe can have a ‘hair raising’ story to tell!

Visit more about Hair Treatment Mumbai

Cosmetic Skin Lasers And Its Application In Dermatological Treatment

Lasers have become increasing in use as an alternative non-invasive treatment modality, especially in the field of Dermatology and Cosmetology. So let us know what exactly is Laser and how it can be employed in treatment of various conditions.

What is Laser? Laser Is an Acronym: Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It is a source of a high intensity light and the following properties:

• It is Monochromatic, i.e., the light that is emitted has a single wavelength.

• It is Coherent, i.e., the light beam waves that that are emitted are in a single phase.

• Collimated, i.e., all the light beams emitted travel parallel to each other.

Laser Light gives us the capacity to focus a very high energy beam of light onto a small target spot.

What are Skin Laser treatments?

These are a group of treatments which are safe, effective and one the best nonsugical treatment methods for treating a wide spectra of varied skin conditions from anti-ageing (making the skin look younger), Pigmentation Removal (Treatment of Melasma), Open Skin pore treatment, Hair Removal, wrinkle removal, fine line removal, removal of vascular leasions of the skin( like Strawberry nevus, spider veins, Capillary hemangiomas), skin lightening, skink whitening, etc. It is also used as a synergistic of adjuvant treatment along with treamtns like Botox, Skin Chemical Peels, Fillers, Cosmetic surgeries etc.

Skin Laser treatments are also called as Photo rejuvenation. It treats Dermatoheliosis or Photo-ageing. Dermatoheliosis (Photo-ageing) are a group of characteristic changes that are seen on the skin due to a long standing exposure to UVA and UVB rays from the sun. It is the accelerated skin ageing caused due to a long term consistent exposure to the skin to UV light of approx. 300-400nm. It may be natural (sunlight) or Synthetic. It consists of signs like wrinkling of the facial skin. Skin laser treatment employs various different types of LIGHT for the treatment of this Photo-ageing.

How Is the Laser Light beam produced?

The laser light is produced an optical cavity containing a medium in solid state [Ruby, Neodymium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet(Nd:YAG), Alexendrite laser], Liquid State (pulsed dye laser) or gaseous state (Argon, Krypton, Carbon dioxide laser). What happens here is that there is excitation of the molecules of the medium resulting in photon emission when the medium retuns to a stable state. The wavelength of the light so produced depend on the medium that is used. It may be within the visible light spectrum (Violet 400nm to red 700nm) or it may be infrared light spectrum (wavelength more than 700nm)

How does the Laser helps in the treatment?

The vascular skin lesions which contains haemoglobin have a tendency to absorb visible light strongly at 418,542 and 577nm. While pigmented skin lesions have a capacity to absorb a wide range of wavebands from visible as well as infrared light due to presence of melanin in the skin lesion.

The infrared lasers are mostly destructive as the water present in and around the skin cells (as cells are composed of 70-90% water), absorbs them readily. Hence when the skin lasers are used the give rise to the formation of controlled wounds on the skin. This in turn encourages the skin to recover and heal itself by creating new cells. The photo-ageing of the skin in the form of wrinkles are removed to a great extent by this process. In this process the main objective is to aim at the target cell and destroy them leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed. For this purpose short pulses are used which minimizes the thermal injury thereby reducing cell damaging and subsequent scarring. During the whole process automated scanners are used which reduces the chances of overlapping of the areas that are treated.

What are the types of cosmetic skin lasers?

There are mainly two types of Skin Lasers

1. Ablative Lasers: These are the ones in which the lasers penetrate the skin below the epidermal layer.

2. Non-ablative Lasers: These are the ones in which the lasers do not penetrate the skin below the epidermal layer.

Let us know a little bit more about each of the subtypes of lasers.

Ablative Lasers:

Carbon dioxide (CO2) Laser:


• Sharplan (It is based on old technology)
• SmartXide Dot

It is used in treating the following conditions:

• Acne scars and other skin scarring

• Warts

• Deep set wrinkles

• Saggy skin (due to its ability to promote collagen formation in the skin)

• Birth marks

• Skin Cancer

• Sun damage

• Skin tags

• Corn on feet

• Moles

It is not recommended to be used for Stretch marks.


• Older CO2 lasers are more invasive hence it takes a longer time to heal also there is higher occurrence of red skin and scarraing.

• Fractional CO2 lasers generally require 2-3 weeks for the patient to recover.

• Asians or darker skin people generally have a higher incidence of hyper or hypo pigmentation post the treatment.

• The treatment is not recommended in patients with active acne lesions.

Erbium Laser:


• Harmony Pixel Laser (Fractional erbium)

It is used in the following condtions:

• Fine Lines

• Acne Scars

• Skin Pigmentation

• Small to Moderate wrinkles

• Sun Damage

• Moles


• This laser causes lesser burning of the surrounding skin tissues, as it has a lesser downtime than CO2.

• The recovery of the patient is usually 1-2 weeks.

• This laser can be used in people with a darker skin tone.

Non-ablative Lasers:

Pulsed-Dye Laser (PDL):


• VBeam

It is used in the following conditions:

• Port wine stains

• Spider veins

• Rosacea

• Stretch marks

• Fine lines around eyes

• Vascular lesions

• Broken capillary


• There are post-operative bruising very common.

• There are temporary changes in the pigmentation of the skin.

Nd:YAG Laser:


• CoolGlide

• GentleYAG

• Laser Genesis

• CoolTouch

It is used in following conditions:

• Hair removal

• Tattoo removal

• Spider veins

• Skin Pigmentation

• Skin rejuvenation


• Higher rate of recurrence in cases of treatment of vascular lesions

• Lower rate of success in cases of treatment of Skin related conditions

Alexendrite Laser


• GentleLase

• EpiTouch Plus

It is used in Following condtions:

• Laser hair removal

• Tattoo removal

• Leg veins


• It has good results in removal of fine thinner hair.

• It also has good results in removal of yellow, black and green coloured tattoos.

• It is good for people having whiter skin tone.

Side Effects of Lasers on the Skin:


The laser procedures can be painful for the patients. To prevent that patients are given topical anesthetic agents to be applied to the skin before the start of the treatment. This reduces the amount of pain experienced by the patient.

Redness, Swelling and Itching:

There is a higher rate of occurrence of redness and rawness in case of ablative lasers as they are more penetrative and invasive, vaporizing the top epidermal layer of the skin. Whereas non ablative lasers are less penetrative and hence less invasive, causing lesser redness and swelling after the procedure.

Changes in the pigmentation of the skin:

In general it observed that patients with whiter skin tone have a better outcomes after the laser treatment as compared to patients with darker skin tones. However there is risk of hyper or hypo pigmentation of the skin in people with both the skin tones, darker as well as lighter. The lesions that are pigmented such as sun spots, on treatment, generally becomes darker initially and later on becomes lighter.

This was a brief understanding of how what are Skin lasers and how they are used in the treatment of various skin conditions. For knowing further kindly go through the following links

For appointments with Dr. Debraj Shome:


Best Hair Treatment India

There are many causes for hair fall ranging from male pattern hair loss to thyroid disease, Iron deficiency anaemia etc. Many causes are gender specific like Androgenic alopecia in males and female pattern hair loss seen usually in females. There has been ample research that shows that losing about 100-150 hairs per day is normal for an individual. That is the normal process of cyclical shedding of hair. The hair growth cycle can be divided into 3 phases viz. Anagen, Catagen and Telogen. Anagen Phase is characterized by active growth of the hair strands. Catagen phase is characterized by fairly short phase of hair break down. While in telogen phase the hair follicle is in resting state. The hair that are shed daily are ususally in the resting phase or in the late phase in the catagen. Hairs that are in telogen phase are not growing and are in the preparation for its shedding. In our scalp about 10% of the hair follicles are in telogen phase at any given time frame.

There are many health condition like Thyroid disorders, iron deficiency anaemia etc can lead to severe hair loss as stated above, hence it is vital for us to undergo appropriate lab investigations for the same to exclude these or any other underlying disorders that might be triggering or causing severe hair loss.

Now let us elaborate a little on the most commonly seen primary cause of hair fall i.e. Androgenic or Androgenetic Alopecia

As the name suggests this type of hair fall is liked to hormone as well as genes. Therefore it has to do with hormonal as well as hereditary factors. This was first thought to be only present in males, as in case of males this type of hair loss is often faster, more extensive and has a relatively earlier onset as compared to females, but later research showed that it is seen in female as well as males. Till now the factor that triggers this type of hair loss is unknown. It seen the every male even though he does not go totally bald, has thinning of hair over time. Here unlike the hair that shed out regularly that are in telogen phase, there is no actually falling of hair seen but only eventual thinning oh hair observed as they no more come up!!

Common Hair loss Myths – Busted !!

• It is commonly thought that people with longer hair has more hair loss as it leads to straining of the roots. This doesn’t happen.

• It is thought that people who wear hats have their hair choked off hence there is deficient circulation leading to hair loss. This is incorrect.

• It is also said that one inherits from mother’s male relatives. This is incorrect, as it is possible for one to inherit it from either side i.e. mother’s as well as father’s side.

• It is wrongly thought that hair loss is due to poor circulation of blood in the scalp and hence massaging will stop the hair fall. It doesn’t.

The above was a brief on what is hair loss and its causes. Let us now outline various treatment modalities that may act as preventive or curative for hair loss.

1. Having a hair wash every day with a mild and gentle shampoo.

The way it is important to wash our face every day and clean our teeth every day the same way it is also important to wash our hair every day. As it helps in removing the dust, dirt and other pollutants from our hair and scalp making it less vulnerable to hair fall. So washing hair ever day causes more hair fall is one of the biggest myths. It is rather other way round i.e. not washing hair every day will cause more hair fall. This myth has become prevalent due to the fact that people tend to notice more hair falling while having hair wash, but what they don’t know is that these hairs were anyhow going to fall off with hair wash or without hair wash.

2. Following a “Treat your hair well” practices:

Though one of the most apparent things, it needs to be given attention because many of us unknowingly don’t follow them and adopt many unhealthy practices.

• Treating your hair with chemicals and so-called herbal products, which are meant to drastically change the way our hair looks (Perming, straightening, hot ironing etc.), are a big NO.

• Blow drying hair- What is does is that is dries out the moisture from the scalp and makes the hair dry, this leads to damaging of the hair follicles. Therefore it is advisable to always air dry your hair or if it is absolutely necessary to use the blow dryer then use it on lowest heat setting.

• Using hair styles that put a lot of stress or pull on the hair follicles like while making braids of tying hair tightly in a pony tails.

Many a times what females do is that they tie their hair so tightly that there is enormous tug in the hair follicles making them to be pulled out from the roots. If this practice is continued for longer time it may lead to permanent hair loss from the sites at which these hairs experience the pulling the most.

• Combing or toweling it roughly when hairs are wet is a very commonly made error by most. What this does is that it stretches the hair strands and will lead to breakage.

3. Following a healthy lifestyle:

Healthy hair is the outward mirroring of a healthy body. So it is a good indicator of one’s general health condition. If hairs are shining and beautiful it indicates that the person is in good health and vice versa. Therefore to have healthy looking hair one has to do everything that is necessary to have a good healthy body which includes eating all types of fruits and vegetables regularly thereby supplementing a wide range of vitamins, and minerals like iron, calcium and zinc, one should also have a protein rich diet as hair are basically made of proteins. It is also important to hydrate our bodies with adequate amount of water.

4. Oil is for food, not scalp.

Oiling the scalp leads to seborrhoeic dermatitis and dandruff in the scalp. This leads to hair fall. So no matter what ever your granny says oiling your hair is not healthy for hair. If still one insists on oiling one’s hair it should be done just 45 minutes prior to hair wash, never should we oil our hair and let it stay overnight.

5. Quick home remedies for hair health:

• Washing hair with a concoction of tea or lemon squeezed in the bathing water used for hair wash will help in getting rid of dandruff.

• Applying a paste of curd and egg onto that scalp and shampooing it after an hour, if done regularly, will make hair smoother and stronger.

6. Treatment for androgenic alopecia:

There are many treatment options available for hair loss but very few of them are scientifically proven and approved by FDA. These treatments help in slowing down the hair loss. Starting these treatments and thereafter stopping them will not leave you at a worse stage than what you were at when you started.

• Minoxidil: IT is a topical medicine. It helps in decreasing the hair fall, but doesn’t help in increasing the hair growth. It is available over the counter without the need for any prescription from the doctor. It can be used by both males as well as females. Its action is seen best over the crown area of the head. It’s less effective over the frontal area. It is available in the form of lotion, foam and mousse in 2%, 4% and extra-strength 5% solution.

• Finasteride: It is a medication belonging to 5-alpha reductase inhibitor class of drugs. It is approved by FDA to be used only in males with androgenic alopecia, but it is also used in females “off-label” who are suffering from androgenic hair loss, and who are not pregnant while on medication. It is available in the form of 1mg tablets. It helps in promoting hair growth and makes hair thicker in some people. But its main purpose is to maintain the hair that are still present on the scalp. The possible side effects include lowering of libido or impotence.

• Dutasteride: It is FDA approved medicine for treatment of enlarged prostate in men but it is used as “off-label” medication for treatment of hair loss in men. The action of dutasteride is very similar to finasteride.
• Recently there is research going on Prostaglandin analogues as topical applications for treatment of hair loss in both males and females. It has a scope for potentially acting as a hair regrowth agent, but till now it hasn’t received FDA approval for it use for treatment of hair loss. One of these newer medication is called by the name Bimatoprost. These are currently used for the purpose of eye lash enhancement.

7. Other alternative treatment options available for hair loss:

• Hairpieces and hair weaving: It is one of the quickest and tried and test methods to add or enhance hair. It is a temporary method in which a mesh is applied on the patch of scalp which has hair. And over that natural human hair or artificial hair are attached to this by weaving them with the existing hair. The hair that are weaved are selected is such a way so as to match the color and texture of the hair that are existing. Over a period of time there may be oxidization, stretching or loosening of weaved hair.

• Hair fiber powders: These are used to cover up patches of hair which has undergone thinning. These powders are nothing but colored fibres that are powdered and are such that they attach easily to the existing hair when they are sprinkled on them. This results in a scalp having an appearance of one having fuller hair growth. Toppik is one of the leading manufacturers of these products and it can be ordered via internet portals. It is safe and is pretty cheap about $20-$40.

•  Surgical hair restoration: This includes many versions of hair transplantation procedures like harnessing hair from back and then transplanting them in the front or it may include surgical procedures like scalp reduction where the bald areas are cut away and are stitched together. Over the years the procedures for hair transplantation has undergone major improvements. Of them the latest technology is harnessing of micrografts in which grafts containing only one to two hair follicles are removed from the donor sites and are successfully transplanted to the sites that has bald patches. It is a fairly expensive and time consuming affair. The cost depends on the number of grafts transplanted. The cost may go in the range of $1000 - $20,000.

8. Stem Cell Therapy for prevention of hair loss and regrowth of hair.

This is one of the areas in which there is active on-going research. Like in other parts of the body hair follicles too have stem cells. The researchers are trying to activate the stem cells progenitor cell. By this the already present stem cells will become active and send chemical signals to the hair follicles nearby which might have become inactive due to aging process. This would ultimately lead to regeneration of healthy hair.

9. PRP injection therapy for hair loss:

PRP is nothing but Platelet Rich Plasma that is derived from patient’s own blood. PRP activates the follicular progenitor cells (adult stem cells) thereby causing the hair follicles that have shrunken to become larger and healthier. This enhances the hair growth. Also there are lots of growth factors loaded in PRP so this promotes a rapid hair growth. This method can be applied for both male and female. It can be used for scalp and also over eyebrows in case of hypotrichosis of eyebrows. The treatment procedure requires about 80 minutes to complete Here what is done is, patient’s blood sample is collected and is then processed to extract PRP. This is then introduced in the scalp fully or in localized areas.

10.   QR 678 Hair Growth Factor injection treatment for hair loss.

This growth factor was developed after a lot of research conducted by top medical centers. It is by far one of the latest treatments for hair loss in India. It is much advanced then PRP treatment and stem cell therapy treatment. This treatment was first reported as a cover story in Times of India newspaper in 2010.QR 678 consists of combination of 6 hair growth factors. They are known to stimulate a significant hair growth when injected in to the scalp. It is more advanced than stem cells therapy for hair fall because here QR 678 injection consists of targeted growth factors that are directly injected in the patches which has hair loss, whereas in case of stem cell therapy the stem cells are reactivated which in turn will lead to production of growth. Hence QR 678 therapy is more specific, selective and advanced. The treatment consists of about 8 sessions of injections of QR 678, each of these sessions are repeated after an interval of 4-6 weeks. There are no side effects to this treatment. The approx. cost for each QR 678 injection sessions is about $100. The Indian patent is already been awarded, the global patent is still being awaited.

11.   Hair Cloning:

This treatment modality is still at research stage. What this treatment will consist of is that your own hair will be cloned and there after more hair will be produced from the existing cloned hair by themselves, by the help of genetic engineering.

So now to sum it up we can say that alopecia is a very much treatable condition and there are multiple temporary as well as permanent treatment options, both medical as well as surgical, available to us. Therefore it is not very early to say that with the constant advancement and research in this field, baldness will be the thing of the past.

Visit more about Best Hair Treatment India