It is very aptly said by Martin Luther, “ The hair is the richest ornament of women.” One of the best indicator of health in a person is long Shiny and brilliant hair. This is one of the expressions of our body to indicate to the world outside, the status of our health. If one is unhealthy mentally or physically it will be readily highlighted by the unhealthy condition of our hair. Hair, like our body also requires proper nourishment so that they are in a healthy state. There are few Micro as well as macro nutrients that are absolutely vital for the wellbeing of our hair and at as home hair treatment for hair fall.
Proteins are the basic building blocks of our body as well as our hair. 99% of our hair are nothing but proteins, making it utmost important nutrient for growth and maintenance of hair. It helps in maintaining proper hair development cycles. There are lots of dietary sources through which proteins can be supplemented in our bodies. Low fat sources of proteins like poultry, fish and pulses like Ragi, Soy are given more preference over high fat sources, as high fat sources may lead to increased hair loss. It should be kept in mind not to over partake on to proteins as it may disturb the Acid Base balance of our body fluids and lead to increased hair loss. This may cause deficiency of minerals like calcium leading to further hair fall. Those people who are on a diet or are following vegan diet should on a look out for taking proper proteins in their diet.
Vitamins are one of the most essential groups of nutrients. These have to be supplied to our bodies by dietary means only. Present lifestyle scenario of constant stress and pressure may lead can eventually lead to vitamin deficiency, as one would not be able to concentrate on proper healthy diet. Hair fall may ensue if the person is deficient on proteins. Below are some of the most important vitamins that help in hair growth.
Vitamin A:
It is an important nutrient for keeping our hair healthy. One of the diagnostic signs of Vitamin A deficiency is hair fall. Colored foods like Yellow and Orange colored fruits and dark green leafy vegetables like broccoli and kale are very good sources of vitamin A. Egg yolk, Liver, Butter and milk are the other sources of Vitamin A. Oral Vitamin A supplements may be used as a source of Vitamin A, but it should be used cautiously and under guidance of doctor as over use of Vitamin A may lead to Hypervitaminosis of Vitamin A.
Vitamin B:
These are a group of many vitamins which are essential for hair health. Deficiency of vitamin B complex may be one of the prime cause for hair loss. Of the many vitamins included in Vitamin B complex Biotin is the most important as far as hair loss is concerned. Biotin Deficiency may lead to Hair fall and eczema like changes in the skin. One of the most abundant source of Biotin is Yeast. Other vitamins that are useful for hair growth and maintenance are Vitamin B3 and B5. Vitamin B6 is also one of the essential B complex vitamins. I is required for processing other vitamins which are essential for healthy hair.
These are a group of nutrients that include Vitamin E, C and Beta carotene. The supplementation of these nutrients can be achieved by Oral pills or through dietary sources.
Vitamin C:
All the citrus fruits act and vegetables act as a good source of Vitamin C. Tomato along with providing ample amount of Vitamin C, it also provides Lycopene which helps in shielding our skin from harmful UV rays of the sun.
Vitamin E:
This is a very important nutrient for preventing hair loss. Rich vegetarian sources of vitamins include Whole grains, Nuts like sunflower seed & almonds, Avocados, Extra virgin olive oil and green leafy vegetables like Spinch, Mustard green and parsley, in their diet.
Essential Fatty Acids:
These are important for growth of healthy hair. Of all the essential fatty acids Omega 3 fatty acids are very important for hair growth. These are present mainly in Halibut, Tuna and Salmon. As majority of Indians are Vegetarian hence Best hair treatment India can have is incorporating Walnut and Flax seeds, that are good sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, in their diet.
These are certain elements that act as micro as well as macro nutrients. Minerals that are important as far as hair fall are concerned are Silica, Sulphur, Manganese, Zinc and Selenium. These minerals gives strength to our hair. They can be supplemented through food sources like Chicken, Egg, Milk, Cheese, Pumpkin seeds.
Iodine is an essential micro nutrient that is responsible for strengthening our hair. People suffering from Hypothyroidism in which there is iodine deficiency have hair fall too. Salmon, Molasses, Potatoes, Eggs, Lima beans, Seaweed, Watercress and garlic some of the food items that provide good quantity of iodine. Also food fortified with Iodine may be taken on a regular basis to help decrease the chances of iodine deficiency.
Iron helps in improving the health of our hair. When deficient it leads to hair fall. Iron Deficnecy causes anaemia which leads to lower oxygen supply to the scalp, Which further leads to decrease in the nutrition that is supplied to hair follicles causing hair fall.
Best hair treatment India has provided to the world is, it’s stong insistence on balanced diet. This has been found to be useful time and again with lot of research being conducted on this.
The stresses of our busy lifestyles and work commitments have caused a sharp increase in the incidence of hair fall. Most of these can be treated just by resorting to a healthy and wholesome diet at regular intervals. This article has been written to highlight the significance diet has as far as preventive and curative hair treatment for hair fall is concerned in order to have healthy and beautiful scalp-full of hair.
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